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A list of courses

    • code
    • content
    • design
    • legislation
    • responsibilities
    • testing
    • Beginner

    In this course, we provide you with a broad overview of web accessibility, explain more about the guidelines, and teach you how to implement them in your work. You will get plenty of tips and tricks that you can directly put into practice!

    • animations
    • colour
    • forms
    • modals
    • navigation
    • typography
    • Medior

    A well-designed, accessible website contributes to a better user experience for everyone. So, if you are a digital designer and you want to learn how to create strong, accessible designs according to current guidelines, then you’ve come to the right place!

    • forms
    • HTML5
    • keyboard only
    • modals
    • semantics
    • testing
    • WAI ARIA
    • Medior

    Wondering how to ensure that everyone can use the website you develop? In this course, you’ll learn all there is to know about developing a fully accessible project by writing accessible code. In the end, it all comes down to having a different mindset and knowing how to develop in an accessible way. We give you all the tips and tricks! 

    • animations
    • content
    • images
    • WCAG
    • writing
    • Medior

    As a writer or content manager for the web, you can make the web more accessible every day. If you are ready to broaden your skills and learn how to create accessible content for everyone, then this course is definitely for you!

    • accordion
    • dialog
    • forms
    • menu
    • navigation
    • skiplink
    • slider
    • tablist
    • Master

    Level up your front-end skills and become a real accessibility hero! Join our groundbreaking course on building accessible web components to unlock a world of possibilities. With the knowledge acquired, you'll emerge as a true accessibility master, equipped with valuable tools for your development arsenal. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionise your websites!

    • code
    • forms
    • HTML5
    • research
    • screen reader
    • semantics
    • testing
    • voice recognition
    • WAI ARIA
    • Master

    Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA): often regarded as dark magic and very hard to understand. But is it? Let us demystify ARIA for you, explain how ARIA works and how to use it properly. So you can help people using assistive technology understand and operate your website better.

    • animations
    • basics
    • colour
    • content
    • design
    • forms
    • semantics
    • testing
    • WAI ARIA
    • WCAG
    • writing
    • Beginner
    • Medior

    This is a true value pack for the eager ones. You simply want to know all there is to know about web accessibility and can't wait to start applying everything you learned to your projects. The A11Y Collective essentials consist of all our courses and will be regularly updated in the future with any new course or training we launch.

    • aria
    • basics
    • code
    • content
    • design
    • forms
    • HTML5
    • testing
    • Beginner
    • Master
    • Medior

    Would you like to become a better developer? Impress your boss? Or simply service your clients better by creating fully accessible projects? Then this accessibility training for developers is for you! This bundle comprises four courses packed with tips and tricks you can immediately apply to your work.

    • animations
    • basics
    • colour
    • content
    • design
    • forms
    • semantics
    • writing
    • Beginner
    • Medior

    Would you like to become a better copywriter? Impress your boss? Or simply service your clients better by creating fully accessible projects? Then this accessibility training for copywriters and marketeers is for you! This bundle consists of two courses packed with tips and tricks you can immediately apply in your work.

    • animations
    • basics
    • colour
    • content
    • design
    • forms
    • modals
    • typography
    • Beginner
    • Medior

    Would you like to become a better designer? Impress your boss? Or simply service your clients better by creating fully accessible projects? Then this accessibility training for designers is for you! This bundle consists of two courses packed with tips and tricks you can immediately apply in your work.

    • businesses
    • legislation
    • opportunities
    • responsibilities
    • threats
    • Beginner

    Web accessibility ensures everyone can navigate and enjoy your website. This not only broadens your audience but also saves you money and keeps you in line with key regulations like the European Accessibility Act (EAA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Explore our free course to see how accessibility may benefit your business.

    • guidelines
    • legislation
    • try before your buy
    • web accessibility
    • Beginner

    Are you curious about what the A11Y Collective has to offer to you? Then enroll in this Try-out Class and experience it for yourself. It's free and it is awesome! The A11Y Collective could be your new home base for all there is to know about web accessibility. Have fun!